Saturday, December 10, 2011

Snow Day

Today CJ, Appa, Mamaw, Papaw and Omma all went to the neighborhood Snow Day in the park. For those of you that have been following for awhile you may recall when CJ and Omma went alone last year. Well what a difference a year makes.

He keeps recounting how he "threw one at Daddy, and one at Mommy, and another at Daddy, and then at Mommy......."

Appa giving snow ball instructions.

Planning Attack
Getting the hang of it.

Trying it out for himself.

Getting so more help.

Pitch pointers
First time to enjoy a bounce house.

Running from the camera.

Having a blast "lying down".

1 comment:

  1. He just has the sweetest little face and cutest smile! I love seeing you as Mommy Frig! :D


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