Sunday, January 30, 2011

CJ's Newest Things

Christian is working hard at learning the English language. In the past few days we have heard a lot out of him The list includes:
  • thank you
  • please
  • more food please - a nice little sentence
  • bless you
  • orange - both for the color and the fruit
  • banana
  • Amen (for those who missed it)
We seem to be breaking down the language barrier slowly but steadily. We can't wait for this phase to be over.

He and his Appa have also been working hard on learning parts of the body. This is thanks in part to two favorite books - From Head to Toe by Erick Carle and The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.  Both of these books were given to us by a student and have stayed in the living room toy basket since Appa brought them home. I know CJ has an iffinity for them because his Appa makes them so very fun when he reads. He uses different voices for all of the animals in From Head to Toe and makes their animal sounds when Christian does the correct move. For instance, when the crocodile comes wiggling his hips Appa does an impression of The King (aka Elvis). During The Kissing Hand CJ gets into the caressing of ears and kissing of hands that they exchange.

Christian has also been working on going backwards - having mastered jumping up and down and off of steps. Now he regularly turns around to walk backwards in the hallway or while on the trail with Blue. He is also peddling his tricycle backwards when playing in the driveway.


  1. Awww!! Yay CJ!! Sounds like he is moving right along, and is doing wonderful...just like I think we all knew he would. (Yes, I'm speaking for others!! lol)

    We recently got Callie a tricycle and her favorite is peddling backwards too!! lol

    Love the update, Rach!!

  2. I love to read your updates, Rachel. Not only because I am really interested in how things are with you, but also because they remind me of the different phases the Things went through. Thank you for sharing :-)

  3. YAY CJ! You know he's doing so wonderfully because you are awesome parents and he's a smart little boy. Love hearing these updates.


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