I am happy to announce that Christian is really begining to repeat after me when I read to him. He had been doing this for awhile with books that had a common theme of words, such as body parts or colors, but not with other books. This weekend he started to parrot when I was reading one of his longer nursery rhyme collections. He would be very quiet at the start of the rhyme, but would then catch-up to me at the end. Lats night, we were reading the Hungry Caterpillar and for the first time he wanted to show off his skills. CJ and Omma were both very proud when he repeated "cocoon" and "butterfly". It seems we both considered these to be rather elevated in difficulty.
His vocabulary is increasing dramatically outside of reading as well. While it was nice to have such a quite angel when out in public it is equally nice to know that he does not have any problems with his hearing (as one horrible International Adoption Pediatrician alluded a few months back). His words are coming so quickly it is hard to keep track of all that he can say. For instance, yesterday he specified that he would prefer "pancakes" for breakfast when given two choices. I also heard "train" for the first time later in the day.
Does it help to know that I actually worried if T2 would EVER talk? Now he talks your ears off. I guess some kids are just slow starters.